France: Photos and Video

Here is a video as well as a few photographs of the ride through France. Click here for the text that goes with these! I am now in Laigueglia, Italy, on my way to Genoa, and things are looking up! The coast is beautiful, I have never seen so many cyclists, and I just rode about fifteen miles of the best bike path that I have ever seen, going east out of San Remo. Wide, great pavement, water fountains, huge lighted tunnels, amazing. Now, the coast of France (and  little bit of Spain):

Genoa, and things are looking up! The coast is beautiful, I have never seen so many cyclists, and I just rode about fifteen miles of the best bike path that I have ever seen, going east out of San Remo. Wide, great pavement, water fountains, huge lighted tunnels, amazing. Now, the coast of France (and  little bit of Spain):