A Year On The Road: Slide Show Extravaganza!

It has now been one year and a few days out here on the road.  As I
was going through my photos to prepare some kind of a quick slide show
to prepare on my iPod in order to show passers by what I was up to out
here, I found myself, on October 15 – the one-year anniversary of the
start of the ride – suddenly watching a slide show of pictures from the
past year on the road.

 It was a nice experience to see the places I have been, and to
remember the people I have met out here.  I decided to make 3 slide
shows on YouTube and to post them here for your viewing enjoyment!  

 There have been some great experiences, some hilarious experiences,
some lonely times, a bit of discomfort, and a lot of pedaling.  A good
trip.  There are 3 slide shows here: USA, EUROPE and ASIA (which also
includes Egypt…).  They go in that order, but view them however you

